Over the years there have been a number of Amateur Radio Clubs in York, two clubs exist today, they are:
York Amateur Radio Society, G3HWW
This club is the oldest surviving radio club in York. It meets on the forth Tuesday of each month at 8pm in Guppy’s Enterprise Club in Nunnery Lane. I am the Secretary my contact details are G4FUO, Crofters Cottage, Back Lane, Copmanthorpe, York, YO23 3SH
York Amateur Radio Society has a FaceBook page
York Radio (Amateur) Club, G4YRC
This club meets each Thursday at Heworth Conservative Club, 16-18 E Parade, Heworth, York, YO31 7YJ, at about 8pm. The secretary is Alan Hemenway, G1VIZ, 69 Sixth Avenue, York, YO31 0UR
York Radio Club has a Facebook page